Monday, 29 October 2012

By the Lily pond with a little girl

Going down the lane

  I met a little girl

  with a book and a smile

she treasured with care

  What a pretty dream

  lying out there

  she had the shiny  pen

I dropped  ..

didn't know where

 Sitting by the pond

we had a pinky promise

    this is our little pen

now we can SHARE.........!!

.....My dear friends's me Bindi  ..Who is the little girl???

. Some of my friends who cannot read Sinhala ,always curious what is out there with round beautiful letters.

I wanted write something for them .

Hope my good old Nelumwila friends can enjoy too.

I am


      Picture from


  1. who is the little girl..??

    I am wondering too.... :-)

  2. thanks Tissa ayya ..for the first ever comment.

    oh she is with me ..never grow the Peter pan


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